images from war

Tiger, after standing on the sidelines 30 years. The first photo...


Tiger, after standing on the sidelines 30 years. The first photo - 1944-gg. Color photo - 1967. Two extreme photo - 1975, when the tank pulled .
And now for a little history.

20 August 1944, this “Tiger” (commander Reisske) was blown up by the crew in the middle of the road near Wiimote to impede the advancement of the allied troops. Those, without hesitation, bulldozers moved him into a ditch.

This “Tiger” was necessary to the French as “the fifth dog leg”. However, local residents as Souvenirs, removed from the tank all that is possible. How much he would still lying in the ditch is unknown if…
The right to “Tiger” belonged to local waste collector the Monsignor to Morata. After his death, the rights passed to his sister. She immediately at Cana, sold the rights to “Tiger” to scrap metal dealers. The new owners do not spend in vain time arrived for the tank. They saw a local resident Michel Dufresne heading home after shopping. She immediately told about it to my husband, and he informed the mayor Wiimote that their local landmark, trying to pick up. Local authorities immediately arrived at the site and stated that it is their “Tiger”. After a phone call historian Eddie Florentina in the Ministry of war in Paris followed by a long trade with the new owners and payment of 6000 francs, Tiger managed to keep.

After wide publicity of this story, thanks to the may number AFTER THE BATTLE No. 8 (1975), the local authorities decided to remove from the ditch “Tiger” and set it on a pedestal. The work of removing began in October 1975. Led by Alan Rudge. For ease of towing with “Tiger” shot tower, and then using two wheeled tractors pulled the tank on the road. After bringing the tank up and his painting he was placed on a special pedestal to the East of the city, near the place where the Tiger had lain for thirty years.

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